Finsulate Products Available Nationwide

A No Paint, No Scrape, Non-Toxic Foul Release Wrap for Commercial & Leisure Boats

- Suitable for pleasure craft, yachts, vessels & buoys
Designed for salt and freshwater
Delivers maximum foul release performance
Requires minimal maintenance
Finsulate Seagrade has been developed primarily for use in saltwater environments, although it is also effective in freshwater. Finsulate Seagrade provides maximum foul release efficiency, preventing the hull growth of barnacles, plume worms, or other marine organisms. Should any of these organisms appear on the hull of your yacht due to your boat being idle for an extended period of time, they are very easy to remove.

Suitable for yachts & motorboats
Designed for freshwater
Provides adequate foul release performance
Requires little to no maintenance
Finsulate Lakegrade has been developed for use in freshwaters, although it can handle the occasional trip into salt waters. The biggest challenge for freshwater boat owners is to prevent mussel and algae growth, as well as the accumulation of chalk. Lakegrade prevents most of these types of on-growth, and in any cases where they do take hold, they can easily be removed with power washing.

Suitable for yachts & speedboats
Designed for saltwater
Easy to clean design
Optimized for boat speed
Finsulate Speedgrade is specifically designed for yachts and commercial speed vessels. This foul release wrap is designed to optimize the speed of your watercraft. Even if the on-growth of organisms occurs, especially in saltwater, such growth will be light and easy to remove.

Suitable for Vessels & Offshore Constructions
Designed for both salt and freshwater
Delivers maximum foul release performance
Maximum endurance of up to 20 years
Finsulate Seagrade EL, our most heavy-duty foul release solution, has been developed for ships and marine structures that will be in the water for more than five years, including offshore constructions, floating production storage and offloading vessels, or large cargo ships. Seagrade EL can also be a suitable foul release solution for catamarans that have few occasions for dry docking.
Seagrade EL can reach a lifespan of 20 years.
Finsulate Boat Protection Advantages
When you trust Finsulate for your boat’s foul release needs, you’ll be taking advantage of:
A better anti-fouling solution similar in price to traditional applications
A solution that is less expensive over time
Sustainable and ecologically responsible boat protection
Nationwide availability
Foul release that is applicable to all surfaces