In The News

Finsulate®, a cleantech startup, wins 2022 Top Gun pitch event
The pitch contest, returning for the first time to an in-person format since 2019, was held Thursday evening at the University of Southern Maine in Portland. It is the capstone event of the Maine Center for Entrepreneurs’ Top Gun business accelerator program. Founders of the five companies each had five minutes to present their businesses to a panel of judges.
Bernard Hidier, the Portland-based director of Finsulate®’s U.S. subsidiary, pitched on behalf of the company. For winning the event, Finsulate® will receive a $25,000 grant provided by the Maine Technology Institute.

News Center Maine - Finsulate® creates an environmentally safe solution for boat hulls
Thank you Beth McEvoy and the whole team at NEWS CENTER Maine 207 Program for your great coverage of our biomimicry inspired solution!

Dutch cleantech startup to establish US headquarters in Portland
After a year of Maine market research, Dutch cleantech startup Finsulate® has decided to lay anchor in Portland as its U.S. headquarters. For Finsulate®, the decision to establish a U.S. subsidiary in Portland, led by Bernard Hidier, comes after a year of membership in the New England Ocean Cluster and tenancy in its waterfront headquarters known as the Hus, where Hidier is based.

Falmouth Harbour in the UK trials sea urchin inspired foul release
Finsulate®, the masterminds behind a sea-urchin inspired, eco-friendly foul release solution for boats, teamed up with Falmouth Harbour and Rustler Yachts to bring the technology to Cornwall in an industry first.
Finsulate®’s revolutionary “bio-wrap” is being trialled on the hulls of Falmouth fast patrol vessel Killigrew and launch Arwenack – with potential for rolling out this prickly foul release across the bottoms of the Harbour authority’s entire fleet.
It is the latest initiative in a 150th Anniversary pledge to be ever cleaner and greener which has just made Falmouth Harbour recent "Environmental Growth" winners in the Cornwall Sustainability Awards.

Clean Sailors Podcast
In this latest episode of our Clean Sailors Podcast, we speak with Dr. Rik Breur - winner of the European Inventor Award 2019, material scientist and founder of revolutionary foul release product, Finsulate BV - about his quest for a clean and easy alternative, inspired by nature itself.

Rik Breur - Marine foul release fibre wrap
More about exceptional inventors and the European Inventor Award organised by the European Patent Office: